
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

And today makes one week

Today the boy turns a week old.

This picture was taken last Saturday, and it is one of my favorites. We've taken 8 million more, but I just don't have it together to get them loaded and up yet.

I'd love to say I've seen all kinds of changes in him in the past week, but the truth is, I was heavily sedated for the first few days, and only mildly less so until maybe Sunday when we left the hospital.

I can say for sure he's a lot more alert and he eats a lot more. And he is the softest, sweetest, best snuggler on the planet. I believe this for an absolute fact.

So a week.

It's kind of crazy to measure time of life in weeks, isn't it? I briefly considered adding up my weeks, and then thought the better of it.

But then when you're measuring baby, it's all inches and ounces. And weeks and days. (And sometimes hours and minutes, no?)

But the days. In terms of the C-section, it's like people said - every day is a bit better. Slowly adding up to a lot better.

Because a week ago, I couldn't feel anything from my breast down. I was peeing through a tube. And now, look, I'm walking!

I can't remember, but I think they took the epidural out and turned off the Pitocin Thursday afternoon. They said once I could start feeling my legs enough to walk, they'd take out the catheter.

And I remember thinking, but I love the catheter! It's like magic! Because I don't think there's any way I'll be able to get out of bed again! Ever!

And then they made me get out of bed to pee. It's up there with scariest things I've ever done. But I got up and then was very much like holymotherofgod, no, no, nonono I most definitely cannot do this again.

But then I did it again. And again. And then once on my own. Although really, if they'd kept accompanying me, I'd have let them.

I will tell you that I've never had so many strangers see so many of my private bits. And I didn't even care.

In fact, I've never asked so many people to look at my nipples. Come to think of it, I don't believe I'd ever asked anyone to look at my nipples.

I thought about it and really, no, not once. And then you give birth and try to breastfeed, and there is a lot of what about my nipples?

But that's a whole nother story.

As is the suppository.

Anyway, hi!


  1. When will you be taking him out of the house? I'm hoping y'all will stroll by while I'm working, so that I can see the little man in person (and give his mommy a big kiss!).

  2. ...and, am I wrong or is he the image of Nick?

  3. Wow Lisa, he is really a beautiful baby - you're not just biased. He's really good looking, and cute! And. he doesn't look like he has cone head: ) I'm happy to hear you're starting to feel better. Looking forward to more pic's when you're up for it. Congratulations again!

  4. Hi!!!

    Missed you. And he is gorgeous. :-)

  5. woo hoo, nipples and suppositories, can't wait to hear the rest! he's adorable, just like his parents! love soph

  6. Ha. Yeah, suppositories. I was going to tell you that if you thought peeing for the first time after was scary just wait until that suppository kicks in.

    I know what you mean though - and I don't know what's weirder...the fact that all kinds of people were all up in my junk or the fact that I just didn't care at the time.

    I'm glad things are getting better. Enjoy you snuggly man!

  7. Adorable! Adorable!

    Glad you are feeling better and man are c-sections harsh or what?!

  8. he is so gorgeous! he doesnt have any of that squished baby only a mother could love face. I can see so much of both you and nick in him!

  9. What a handsome little one. I hope that you, Nick and Jordan enjoy these moments.

  10. He's just beautiful!! Can't wait to hear more stories and see more pictures. And doesn't he just have perfect eyebrows???

  11. Hi! I didn't get a chance to say so last week, but I wanted to give you my congrats -- so, congrats! What a sweet little kid. You are very lucky!

  12. Hiya! Jordan is just adorable Lisa, I'm so happy for you guys!

    And oh hells yea, that first trip to the bathroom or chair out of bed after the C is miserable. After Marion I remember the nurse saying, "Okay now, let's get you up and moving, you can sit in the chair instead of the bed a bit."

    I think I gave her a death stare and said something like, "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

    But she was right, moving is the only way to get better. And I'm glad you are getting better!

  13. He's a muffin for sure. And the lack of privacy -- and the ensuing lack of modesty -- in the hospital never ceases to amaze. By the end of it, I'd be sitting topless in my underwear on the bed with people coming in and out of the room and it wouldn't faze me in the slightest.

  14. well, think about the suppository after having a vaginal delivery. Now that's truly scary. Ouchie. My jayjay hurts just thinking about it. :)

  15. He is a gorgeous little thing. I'm glad you're slowly feeling better. I disagree with you though on the nipple showing thing. Considering how you have told stories of flashing and going topless at parties, it seems like a natural progression of things really.

    Congratulations again to you and the family.

  16. Welcome back! Glad to hear everything is progressing in a positive direction! Yay peeing by yourself! As for the nipples, the new mothers in my office also have that as a major point of discussion. Thank god our office is all woman. Or maybe not. 14 pregnancies in 4 years... don't drink the water.

    Anywho. Yay babies!

  17. Glad to hear that you are doing better! He looks so tiny there!!

  18. Welcome home from the hospital! Jordan is so, so sweet. Measuring a life in weeks is amazing. So happy you're up on your feet - you'll be running around the mall in no time!

  19. Welcome back!
    The boy is absolutely gorgeous.

  20. I'm so glad you are on the mend. He's beautiful.

  21. *hugs* So cute. I can't wait to see you all.

  22. Happy one week, Jordan, and welcome home Lisa and company! Glad you're getting better, and it sounds like you've been through a lot in just one week. Congratulations on getting through it!

  23. That is one beautiful little man! Wow! I remember how nipples (and all the other ipples) become an's all about the boy!

  24. congratuations and i'm so glad you're feeling better every day :-) it will just get better!

  25. Hi! Yay, one week already! Time is going to be really weird from now on.

    Beautiful boy!

  26. Once again, I learn sooooo much from you! BUT he is so adorable I want to cuddle him and snuggle!!!! What a doll!!!!

  27. Well, I've been out of town working in The Middle Of Nowhere, and of course, thought of you and family.

    Now back to you - you all look so lovely and happy, just al I'd hoped and prayed!

    And as for "...never asked so many people to look at my nipples. Come to think of it, I don't believe I'd ever asked anyone to look at my nipples..." No, but I bet in the past, that a few have asked YOU if they could see them.

    Congratulations, mom!

  28. You could post 250 pictures of him, and I'd look through them all.


  29. I didn't look at any of the other comments, so this is probably repetitive, but Jordan is SO CUTE! I've been around a lot of little itty bitties, and usually they take a while to look cute at all.

    also,fyi, in case you get board, know that my friend said it took several months until her baby could entertain herself before my friend thought her baby was very interesting (I mean, she always loved her, but she just said they are so needy all the time. just thought I'd say just in case).

  30. Lisa, he's beautiful!! And it only gets better from here. =-)

  31. Welcome back Lisa,
    I can so relate to getting out of bed after a c-section being one of the scariest things ever. I was so scared that my scar would open up and all my guts would just drop out onto the floor that it took them a while to convince me I could actually stand up.
    Try doing a sit up in a few months, its freakin hilarious, you lie on the floor and all of your body and brain is saying sit up, sit up, but your stomach muscles just arent listening its like they have gone on vacation or something. I got the giggles about it and my ex hubby wondered why I was lying flat on my back on the floor giggling my ass off.

  32. I remember being all "yay! here comes the nurse with the icepack for my hooch!" and then wondering what I had become.

  33. He is ADORBALE. And perfect. Congrats!

  34. Lori Bouzane8/28/2009 9:59 PM

    He is BEAUTIFUL!! Perfect!!

    Not sure if your milk has come in yet. I had a C-section too so mine came in late. I was in Wal Mart. That too is another story. As I wasn't breast feeding it wasn't on my radar. Hmmm... I hope your experience isn't as.....shocking

  35. he's the cutest thing i've ever seen!!

  36. Congratulations! Hope you're feeling better soon.

  37. What a gorgeous baby. :) Congratulations!


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