
Monday, August 31, 2009

Old/new fantasies

Old fantasies included: sex and opulence and exotic travel and skimpy outfits and ridiculously expensive, perilously high heels.

New fantasies include: having the use of two hands at once; a full night of sleep; a robot that changes diapers; regular showers; time to write; time to read. . .

I love the shit out of the kid (and on that note, who knew I'd be fine smearing someone's anus with Butt Paste?), but I miss you all.


  1. We miss you too! But we know you won't be on Baby Island forever. We're not going anywhwere.

  2. Aah- the old 'what on this menu/in this fridge qualifies as one handed food?' routine...particularly in the presence of sleep deprivation, which reduces your coordination significantly...

    you go girl- it will get better.

  3. We miss you too!

    And we love the shit out of the kid too.

  4. Two hands are overrated. But glad to read that you're doing well.

    I'm scared to ask - what is "Butt Paste"?

  5. Miss you Lisa! Ah, a glimpse into motherhood. Sleep is over-rated :) Newborn baby's are so cute, you can't help but clean-up after them.

  6. I'll echo those we miss you too comments!

    Hope all is going well with the kid!

  7. The first month or so is a bit of a mindfuck. The overwhelming neediness of this wonderful but nonetheless blob-like creature can turn days and nights into hypnotic blur of feedings, diaper changes, and efforts to get more than an hour of sleep at a time. Showers? Changes of clothes? Conversations with actual adults (other than the hubs)? They become a distant memory. And then suddenly around 8 weeks or so, the fog lifts a bit and it gets much easier (and more fun). xoxo

  8. We miss you too (but he sure is a cute little dude, butt paste and all...)

  9. I'm pretty sure they are working on making such a robot somewhere in Japan. ;)

    Glad you hear you are doing well though! He's such a little cutie!

    Please explain the Butt Paste.

  10. Hang in there. The first 6 weeks are the worst! When I just had my daughter, I'd realize I hadn't showered in 2 days and couldn't remember the last time I brushed my teeth. Luckily, the baby doesn't care!! As for the sleeping? NAP!!!!!

    We miss you too!

  11. Oh, Lexa's gonna kill you for that last bit. ;-)

    Glad to hear you're doing well, albeit busy!

  12. I miss you Lisa, but now I even miss the boy. Butt Paste. I know what it is. But the name sounds like something you put on their hineys to keep them from shitting. That might be a better invention then the robot. Hang in there, it gets better, although it's a few years before some of those former dreams matter much. Love from the prairie.

  13. Giant hugs to you! And the boy! The schedule will calm down sooner than you think, and we'll be here when it does.


  14. As long as we're still talking about the BABY here with the butt paste.....

  15. I can hear the Kid now, at sixteen. "Moooomm. You wrote about my ANUS." 'Course he never even mentions that the whole wide Internet loves him already. Ingrate.

    Miss you, too. You're making me realize how regular my fix of Lemon Gloria has been for so long. You are so dedicated!

  16. my "new fantasy" at this stage was a daily shower. yeah, gross i know.

    boudreaux butt thing to ever come out of louisiana.

  17. We miss you too! Especially since we (the royal we) were looking forward to some crazy-ass posts written in the throes of sleep deprivation. We will be patient.

    p.s. Give the little Butt Paster a smooch from the internet.

  18. we miss you too! no-one makes me snort with mirth the way your posts do.

  19. Is it Boudreaux's Butt Paste for diaper rash? That's big in these parts...meaning TX/LA.


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