
Saturday, September 20, 2008

A week from today!

A week from today I make an honest man of Nick in front of the people we love most in this world.

I can't wait!

Nick bought a new tuxedo shirt, and he looks beautiful in it. He got his tux back from the cleaners, and it is a beautiful, conservative black. I believe we are breaking out the shiny gold jacket during the dancing. Once we have gotten people good and liquored up.

My dress is ready and hanging all covered at my parents' house. And the crinoline, to make sure it's super sticky-outy is hanging sideways like a bit O in their basement.

The magic makeup artist confirmed her availability. My MAC #7 false eyelashes are at the ready.

Oh, and the cake details are all set. I'd asked, months ago, if I could possibly have fuchsia water lilies. Because I thought it would be fun. She said certainly.

I emailed the other day and asked if I could have lily pads. And white flowers tinged in fuchsia, or with fuchsia centers. To tone it down.

She wrote back with the following. "Yes on the lily pads. YES on toning down the fuchsia."

Heh heh. She's amazing, and so I know it will be pretty. It, like the bridesmaid dresses, is going to be a surprise. I like it that way.

My high school friend Sophie, who I recently learned reads LG, sent me the most amazing list of emergency supplies to have on hand. Things I'd never have thought of. But are such a good idea. I'm amassing those this weekend.

And, in case you're wondering, I've sworn to Betty that this supply bag will not include a tiny spray bottle filled with pee.

We are figuring out some details, and I'm finishing up working on gifts.

And other than that, I think we're set, right?


  1. You're set! So excited for you and Nick and all your friends and family. Hope you have an amazing week - I just know it will be. Happy, happy wedding week!

  2. I hope that your emergency supplies contain some sort of stain-removing pen. I've never owned one before, never even thought of bringing one. My best friend brought one and it came in very handy when I smeared melted chocolate down the front of my dress 15 minutes before walking down the aisle.

  3. Oh wow... it's going to be a beautiful day. That cake sounds amazing!

    Yay yay yay! A thousand times yay!

  4. I love your mom, the fact that she would actually make you swear not to mist pee at you wedding LOL.

    If you are anything like me, and WERE going to do it, it would be after the wedding though, maybe during a tour at the historical building. No need to have the wedding smell like pee.

    But I am sure you won't need it. I hope you have a wonderful magicla day

  5. Whoohoo! Congrats on making it this far, and being so set! But what's in the emergency kit? Other than pee, of course.

  6. HKW - Thank you, sweetie! It's going to be a wonderful week!

    Hillary - Oh, wow. Very smart thinking - I don't own one but definitely will.

    VVK - Ah, thanks! Yayyayyay!

    A.S. - I will definitely take pics of the cake. I think it will be a super fun (and delicious) cakestravagnaza!

    Kenya - I love her too. She's really great. And yah, would definitely be better to wait till the wedding is over.

    Sarah - Yippee! And all kinds of things. Here's her list - really impressive, no?
    Sewing Kit, including safety pins and small scissors
    Clear nail polish (helpful for stocking runs)
    Nail file
    Nail polish in the bride's shade
    Makeup (you'll probably have this there anyway!)
    Straws (for drinking without messing up lipstick
    Extra stockings
    Brush and comb
    Bobbypins and hair elastics
    Static-cling spray
    Lint brush
    Earring backs
    Baby powder (also useful for getting out last-minute spills on a white dress)
    Eye-drops (look for redness reducing)
    Contact lens solution
    Acid relief
    Smelling salts
    Tampons and pads
    Headache medicine (bring two different kinds in case one of the bridal party is allergic)

  7. Wow, nice list! And the sewing kit I can vouch for. I had my dress shortened, but we didn't think the underskirt poofy thing (technical name?) had to be shortened until I went to get dressed, and realized the lace overlayer showed beneath my dress. My mom and aunts tacked it up an inch or so at the last minute. Not a pretty or neat job, but it held and wasn't visible.

    And I can't think of anything I needed that isn't on that list, so hopefully you'll be super prepared.

  8. I cannot believe it's almost here! That list is a great idea.

  9. how exciting! i imagine the next week will be a whirlwind of love and excitement! enjoy it!!

    ... and, i'm really curious about the bridesmaids dresses now. are we going to get post-wedding pics? i love seeing everyone's ideas come together!

  10. That is a crazy list. And I am crazy excited for you!!

  11. You are going to have such a great day, to be followed by an even greater marriage - and I can't wait to hear all about it, about all of it.

    So excited for you. So so excited. Have a wonderful wedding week!


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