
Monday, September 27, 2010

Take my hand. Take my whole life, too.

Two years ago today, on a greyish, freshish, maybe-it-will-maybe-it-won't-rain (but if it does it's good luck)-ish day, I did the following.

Got up and ironed the shawls one last time and put them in bags.

Picked up Jen and headed to the salon.

Got my hair all sleeked down curled up and sprayed sprayed sprayed - with an extra can for intermittent spraying throughout the day!

Headed to the fancy schmancy were-assholes-to-work-with-but-in-the-end-it-was-worth-it-because-boy-is-it-stunning location.

Drank champagne and chatted with my dearest friends.

Put on my mama's white dress and headed downstairs.
Walked down the aisle with my dad.

Had the most personal, wonderful ceremony.

Promised to love Nick for the rest of my life.

And I do. And I will.

I said it was the best day of my life. And it was.

What I didn't know then was that it was just going to keep getting better.


  1. Congrats and happy anniversary! May you two enjoy a life time of happiness and good luck.

  2. I love the last line of this post the best. Happy two years of wedded bliss! :)

  3. awwww, happy anniversary! my fave picture from that day is the one with you and nick at the fountain that night <3

  4. Love love love!

  5. Happy Anniversary! I'm so happy for you both and hope you enjoy celebrating your wonderful life together as a family.

  6. Happy Anniversary, my friend! May there be many, many more.

  7. Happy anniversary!

    I love your dress. Even two years later, I am still in love with your dress. They just don't make them like that anymore. Sigh.

  8. Happy anniversary Lisa and Nick! Wishing you many more. The pictures are beautiful as is your beautiful little family.

  9. Just Plain Tired - Thank you very much!

    LJ - Thank you. :)

    Kayare - Thank you! It's absolutely true.

    mrsmac - I absolutely love that picture. We were having so much fun.

    texpatriate - Happy anniversary to YOU and Jodie today, too!

    HKW - Thank you, my friend.

    Kate - Thanks for the lovely wishes!

    Sarah - Oh, thanks. I loved that dress for years before I wore it. Beyond thinking it's pretty, I just love that my mom and her mom made it.

    Kate - Thanks for the lovely words!

  10. Happy Anniversary and Congrats to both you and Nick!!!

    *hugs* :-)

  11. Think of all two years can bring. Happy anniversary and here's to many more!

  12. Congratulations to both (all three, now) of you.

  13. wait a second... did you ever share your professional wedding pics??? would love to see those! wondering if i missed those somehow...

  14. it was a wonderful, beautiful day I was thrilled and honored to be part of. congrats and love to you (and Nick!) today.

  15. Awww, this made me all blubbery and teary eyed. Congrats, you two! Here's to many more years of love and laughter.

  16. To my absolute fav couple. May there be a lifetime of happy anniversaries for you.

  17. Happy Anniversary! I still remember when you started writing about Nick and I told MathMan that Nick was The One.

  18. Happy happy anniversary! So happy for you both :)

  19. Beautiful! Happy Anniversary!

  20. Happy anniversary! Love this post :)


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