
Friday, September 21, 2012


I went to Tryst this morning with a friend of mine and our babies.

Random note: there were a shocking number of attractive men there today.

Anyway, as pretty much always happens when I go anywhere, India wanted to nurse. So I did. Our server gave me a dirty look, but I think she was in a bad mood or didn't particularly like us or something. Nobody else batted an eye.

And I realized that a year ago I was freshly back from Paris and heading to the doctor to see if I was still pregnant (pleasegodpleasegod...).  And I was!  And here we are!

I ordered a chaippuccino, a word that still makes me cringe whenever I say it, and which I've been ordering there since back in my single days. And I said to my friend, "You know, five years ago if you'd told me I'd be sitting here nursing my baby, I wouldn't have believed you."

Because five years ago, I hadn't yet met Nick. I was dating like a fiend, and had recently gone out with a completely critical asshole who inspired this post.

Four years ago, I wasn't yet married, but was counting down to next week.

Three years ago, I had a new baby and was completely losing my shit.

Two years ago, I was trying very hard to get pregnant. I was terrified of being too old. And I wasn't talking about it. When I finally did let it out, it was such a relief.

And here I am, a married mother of two.

Five years and a million chaipuccinos ago, I would never have believed it.


  1. you give me hope. I hope in 5 years I can say the same thing.

    1. I know - man, do I know - it can be hard to be hopeful. So I'm glad to hear this!

  2. I love looking back too, just crazy how much can change. Thanks for sharing it all!

  3. I know exactly what you mean. Still can't really believe I have a kindergartener and a three year old. Incredible.

    1. That IS incredible! Kindergartener and three-year old! Where did the time go?

  4. So many things can happen in five years! I guess it's also a very encouraging thought on the days when I feel like my life is going nowhere or would always be slightly depressing, because...who knows what will take place in the next five years?

    1. There is always the possibility of love, adventure, great surprises. Always.

  5. Isn't it crazy how our lives just go right ahead and get lived?! Who knows what the next five years and however many chaipuccinos will bring! (on a side note, what in the holy heck is a chaipuccino???)

    1. I like how you put that! Yes! And it's like a cappuccino but with chai and then a shot of espresso. Sweet and caffeiny and delicious!

  6. Random note: there were a shocking number of attractive men there today.

    Ha, well as someone who is recently single and now lives blocks away from Tryst, this is good to know! Thanks for the intel :)

    1. Now, I don't know your type. I feel like I look around and see a lot of skinny jean hipster guys, who may be perfectly attractive but are not my cup of chaippuccino. Friday there were more freshly-scrubbed, corn-fed types.

  7. I was looking for the "like" button, lol. I've been reading since right before your wedding. I love seeing things progress and I love your family. Always a joy to read about: )

  8. Oooh, I'm gonna go back and read all your pregnancy posts!

    I'm 38, married 5 months, and trying, I like success stories. :)

  9. Chaippucino makes me want to punch a wall. It sounds like a really obnoxious dog breed.


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