
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

And then I was struck with Holiday Tourette's and have thrown our house into a bit of a panic

In terms of cooking, I'm good at steaming vegetables, making salad. I like to bake, and I'm good at making desserts.

Beyond that, I'm mostly good at buying stuff.

I am, however, not an actual food cook. Nor am I a particularly good planner. I get all stressed and frazzled and panicky before a party.

Which would make you think that I'd avoid having them, right?

Haha! Nay!

Because! Here's something I turn out to be terrific at: inviting!

I've said before that I have excellent taste in people. Funny, interesting, amazing people. I excel at meeting fascinating people. And then I like them very much and I invite them over.

But we usually have these casual parties where we buy a whole bunch of chips and guacamole and such and Nick grills some kind of meat and we have lots of beer and wine and friends bring stuff and it all works out just fine.

In this case, I've invited quite a number of people. With kids, we're currently almost up to 20. If they maybes can come, we pass 20. For Christmas Day dinner.


I don't know how it happened. It's like suddenly I was struck with Holiday Tourette's.

I'd be having a normal conversation with a friend and out of the blue I'd bleat something like, "Christmas! Day!" or "Dinner!" and then if they didn't already have plans there they are, coming over.

The lovely thing is, we like all these people very much, and it is going to be a FUN party. I am excited that they can come. (Particularly if I can convince any of them to play charades!)

The difficulty is, there are currently 13 adults plus a few maybes, and according to Betty, with the leaves in, our table can seat 12 uncomfortably. This kind of thing stresses her out, because she wants to set a pretty table.

Me, I think, ah, well, we'll sort that out. I don't mind if I have to take my plate and eat in the living room, and I know some of our friends won't either. Nobody is uptight. It's just nice to be together.


BUT! while I'm not above making a meal of popcorn, brownies, and bourbon for myself, I do recognize that for other people, and for Christmas dinner in particular, we need Actual Food.

My mom and Nick are thinking leg of lamb and ham. Friends have asked what we need, and have offered to bring sides, a salad. My friend Meg said she always makes a Bûche de Noël. I've determined that she was offering and not just bragging about her pastry prowess. Yum!

So here's what I am wondering, because we need to make a plan: Do you have suggestions for dishes? Non-complicated and yet yummy dishes?

And any other advice? 

Besides keep your mouth shut, Lisa, when you walk out the door henceforth and until the end of the holidays? And maybe beyond intermittently that because sometimes you talk too much?


  1. I love throwing dinner parties, and my favorite thing to do is a flatbread station. That could be fun for kids! Buy some prepared flatbreads and leave your broiler on. They top them and you stick it under the flame for a few minutes. Other than that, the slow cooker is your friend and you can never go wrong with garlic and herb cornbread stuffing.

    1. I love this idea, Miss Dallas! I don't think the flatbreads will work for this coming dinner, but it's such a fun idea for another party. I hadn't thought about stuffing, but everyone loves it! Or I guess it's dressing when it's not stuffing something, right? Whatever. Thank you!

  2. Order a spiral cut honey-baked ham, some really nice rolls and bread and get some good mustards, some mayo, and other sandwich-y fillings, and let people make their own gourmet sandwiches. Devilled eggs are also always popular -- I have a number of easy recipes for really yummy ones, or you can just order them from Whole Foods or Balducci's or similar. Put out an assortment of olives, nuts, and pita chips with hummus for people to nosh on.

    1. Yes, that's what we're going to have for ham. Will get some nice rolls to accompany. And I love love love devilled eggs! That's a terrific idea!

  3. Oh, Lisa, no recipes, or anything like that, but I (age 65)want you to know you write the BEST blogs. So honest, and smart,and funny, and sometimes hard to read without wanting to cry. Just like life.
    Thank you for that.

    1. Thank you thank you thank you for this lovely comment. I love it so much. Thank you.

  4. I'm with you....people are easy, friends are easy, its just nice to be together, eh? My suggestion is to make a TRIFLE, which I am about to look up the recipe for as that is what I am planning to make for the first time!

    1. Ah, Kris, my inclination is to always make dessert, never savory food, so I am going to pass on this one, but let me know how it goes! I've never made one!

  5. Nutloaf! Hardy, filling and delicious - Minted peas (TJ's or make your own - chopped mint, peas, and olive oil - very simple), a good olive, cheese, meat board, cornbread, roasted broccoli/cauliflower/carrots/brussel sprouts, abuse Whole Foods and their pick-up menu options if you feel super stressed

    1. Nutloaf? I've never heard of that! I'm intrigued and will have to google. As for roasted veggies, roasted Brussels sprouts are one of my fave things on the planet!

  6. Baked macaroni, lasagna, stuffed shells (Costco has some pretty decent ones!) People, even kids, love love, love Italian food, and it's filling. You can make the sauce way ahead of time and then just basically throw it together and bake!

  7. A punch bowl is always easy and festive and I sure wish I lived by you I would invite myself and love every second of it no matter what you served. BTW, I think B& buttering you up so she can win the giveaway tomorrow. You know I love you best ;-)


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