
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

No, this is not the cold you had last week. This is a plague of deathy death and it is much much muhuhuhuhuch worse.

Nick got a bad cold last week, and what did he do? He powered through. He coughed a lot - a lot lot - and said he didn't feel great. But on the whole, he still did all the Nick things that he always does. Work, home improvements, etc etc.

In fact, he's still coughing. It is a bad one.

Yah. And then yesterday morning I woke up with his cold.

But not just his cold. One that was much, much worse than his. I felt that he wasn't taking my cold seriously enough.

And how was he so mean as to give it to me? Doesn't he know that I have asthma and everything goes to my lungs and I always get twice as sick as him?

(This is, in fact, true. He's strong like bull.)

He was all, "Oh, stop being a martyr."

So then I walked around muttering about how he was raised by wolves and such. I mean, in between the Neti-potting and paroxysms of coughing.

He came home last night and said, "The first day is the worst. You'll feel better tomorrow."

But today, today I woke up shaking, in a cold sweat, still with this giant quantity of phlegm sitting where my lungs used to reside. My body aches. I have no energy.

And I feel very, terribly sorry for myself.

I probably won't make it to Christmas.

However. Tomorrow, if I'm still alive, I'm doing a give-away on the blog.


  1. A giveaway? I dont want THAT cold, Lisa. I do hope you feel better soon. I swear by Zicam. I love the video btw.

    1. Hahaha! I'd love to give away this cold, but that's not it! Isn't that video hilarious? It's old, but so very funny.

  2. Feel better! Fingers crossed you don't have THIS:

    1. I think it is just flu and not chikungunya, but thank you for giving me something else to worry about! Aaagh!

  3. Ha! I just assumed you meant you were giving away a husband! Hope you feel better soon xx

    1. Husband, once he heard about body aches, chills, etc, deemed it flu and became sympathetic. He will be kept.

  4. Get well soon Lisa, I'm so sorry you've got a terrible cold. My aunt makes a ginger tea for sore throat. I don't care for tea but when you're suck, desperate and can't taste anything anyway, why the hell not drink the tea. Hugs

    1. Heather, firstly, I love that you actually used hell in your comment! And I make a very strong ginger tea with grated ginger. It actually helps, even though it's kind of a pain to make. Hugs to you!

  5. Blogger and I are SO in a fight again. It ate my comment about how I'm sorry you're sick and how you should really get yourself one of those blue fuzzy suit things, because I really think they help with the healing process.

    1. Blogger can really be a douche sometimes. I think you are right. Nick's Santa-swap is today, so maybe he'll come home with another (smaller) one?

  6. Get well soon, Lisa! Glad you get to keep Nick.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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