
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

So please tell me I look like a French tourist because I am trying very hard to do so

So a week or so ago I asked Nick what he thought about these silver sneakers:

Nick suggested that it's perhaps not the highest and best use of our money (translation: dislike). But I kind of love them.

But I decided to be practical and get them in black (see above).

I opened the box with delight, put them on, and asked Nick what he thought. He made a face. He said, "I'm not a fan. You look like a French tourist."

I thanked him. I said, "That's one of the nicest things you've ever said to me."


  1. I agree. You look like a French tourist. I mean that in the best possible way. It's a great look for you.

  2. Oui oui!

    You wear them well!

  3. Everybody needs a comfy pair of sneakers which basically go with anything, french tourist or not!

  4. BUT ze french do wear clothing with "le style" B)


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