
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Today I am 44

This much I know right now (not comprehensive, and in stream of consciousness kind of order):

I am older than many of our parents were when we were in high school. And they were old! So impossibly grown up!

My husband is that grown up. I will never be that grown up

I am OK with this. (Pretty sure he is, too.)

I like myself so much better than I ever have in my life. I have more wrinkles, more brown spots, and now my hair is blonde thanks to the good grace of chemicals, modern foil techniques, and a lovely woman named Sarah.

And yet, I also have so much more confidence. It makes the other things matter significantly less.

Which is not to say I haven't thought about Botox.


I have no ability to discern good music from bad. I embrace all things 80s, and 80s dance songs from 1983-1987 seem to be the only ones with lyrics I actually know.

I never know anything musically cool or new. Copacabana remains one of my favorite songs.

Happily, I no longer feel like I need to hide these facts.


Blogging changed my life. It made me realize that other people thought many of the same bizarro things that I do, and feel the same intense feelings.

And the people who were going to judge me for thinking and feeling these things out loud were not people I needed in my life.

It was incredibly liberating.


Right now I weigh about 10 pounds more than I did in high school Actually, 10-20, depending on the year. But I think I look better than I did back then. I'm stronger and healthier. So much healthier.

Well, not everything looks better. I had significantly nicer abs before babies. Same goes for my boobs.

I do miss my happy little cupcakes.


My kids are the best thing I have ever done, the best gift I have ever been given. I had no idea how much richer my life would be.

I also had no idea how much sleep I actually need. It is approximately 1-4 hours more than I get on a given night.


This is going to be the year I write my book. It is.

Saying that out loud terrifies me and pulls out all my insecurities.


And I still feel like an imposter when I put on lipstick. I don't know why.


The only thing that really matters to me is the people I love. That's all life comes down to. I love our house, and I do, of course, have some fantastic boots, but let's be honest: people are what matter.

And I have excellent taste in people. I do. This struck me the other day, and I know it for an absolute fact.


  1. Happiest of happy days! I'm so glad I know you and get to celebrate you. You're mahvelous!

    1. Thank you lovey lovey love! You are one of my favorite humans! Hugs to you!

  2. I for one am happy to know you which means that I have good taste in people as well...Miss you LJ!!

    1. Miss you, too, Delo. We do need to find a time to get together. Hugs to you!

  3. Happy Birthday!
    "Blogging changed my life. It made me realize that other people thought many of the same bizarro things that I do, and feel the same intense feelings." --> I feel this way about reading other peoples' blogs...i.e. yours!

    And also, I think I have that same eagle mirror behind you, from my grandparents' house! I spray painted mine white and it's over my mantle!
    -Rachel in Chicago

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you still read!

      Nick got that mirror from his grandmother, so likely the same era! I really like it!

  4. Happy Birthday Lisa! Hope you have a wonderful day with your family :) Even though I'm no longer blogging, I continue to read and enjoy your posts...thank you for always making me smile.

    (Melissa - formerly Browneyegirlie)

    1. Oh, thank you Mrs. K! I am so glad you are still reading! Wow! I hope you are happy and well!

  5. Happy birthday!! Isn't it nice to like yourself more than you ever did before?

    1. Thank you! Yes, oh my goodness yes. I wish it had happened long, long ago!

  6. Happy birthday! Your blog is unequivocally one of my favourites to read ever and it makes me happy to see you happy like this :)

    1. Thank you thank you for the kind words!!!

  7. You make a fabulous looking imposter in lipstick, and I for one cannot wait to read the book. :) Felicidades.

    1. Such hugs to you, Jeanne! Huge compliments!

  8. Happy happy birthday lovely Lisa! I hope on your birthday someone makes you laugh as hard as you always make me laugh :)

    1. Aww, Tia, that makes me so happy! Thank you!

  9. A very happy birthday to you Lisa! Its funny how I thought "this girl looks uncomfortable with lipstick" when i first saw the pic here. And you said it out loud in the end. I wish that you continue believing in your blessings.

    1. Thank you so much! (And I don't know if it's as much about the lipstick as the self-photo, but ugh! You can tell I'm uncomfortable?)

  10. Lisa, you have absolutely no need for Botox!

    1. Hugs to you, David! I just want it in the creases between my brows. I furrow them too much!

  11. Happy Birthday!! Hope it was as wonderful as you are!!

  12. Lovely post by my favorite author! You and Joan Didion, Margaret Mitchell and Harper Lee. Lovely photo of you, too, beautiful soul and smile.

    Happy happy birthday :)

    1. Oh, Heather, I love you love you love you!

  13. I am going to read the fuck out of your book, hunny bunny.

    1. That is one of the best expressions I have ever heard! Love you!

  14. Love this. Happy birthday!

  15. A belated Happy Birthday! I would definitely read any book that you write.

  16. Happy belated birthday you gorgeous woman!!! :D Shall we make a pact? Publish Or Perish in 2014?!

    1. Thank you so much! Yikes, a pact! How about a tentative one? :)

  17. Happy Belated Birthday my friend! Thank you for sharing your thoughtful and comical musings - dare I say wisdom? - with the internets :) I look forward to hanging with you guys one of these days. Enjoy the week; talk soon!
    PS - no botox! And yes lipstick! (and yes botox if it makes you happy i suppose.)

    1. Lauren! I hope so! Such big hugs to you! Huge hugs! I miss you!

  18. Happy Belated Birthday! Write that book.

  19. Happy Belated Birthday! Write that book.


Tell me about it.