
Friday, September 27, 2013

Five years

The other day a friend of mine posted on Facebook that she just can't relate to people who don't find her amusing.

I thought, boy, do I know a whole lot about this. Years of first dates worth.

Me, I assume that people who don't find me funny just have no sense of humor. And so it was  sad, really, during those single years, to learn that so many men in DC lack a sense of humor.

When Nick and I got engaged, 10 weeks from our first date, let's be honest: we barely knew each other. But we found each other really amusing.

We got married seven months later. So we hadn't even been together a year.

Things could've gone very badly.

And in fact, since September 27, 2008, quite a number of things have gone badly. But not between us. Sometimes you work very hard and sometimes you get very lucky. Sometimes you just jump, and you are fortunate enough to have leapt into the right arms at the right time.

I feel so lucky that Nick chose me and I chose him back. That he and I are together five years later, that we've weathered deaths and moves and childbirth and construction. That we've built this wonderful life, that we have a solid, loving family.

And you know, I'm now extra glad that during that first really difficult year of marriage I never actually stabbed him in his sleep.


  1. Happy Anniversary! May you continue not to stab each other for years to come!

  2. Happy Anniversary you two. And yes Nick continue to lock the knife drawer before you go to bed at night. :D

    1. Thank you, Go-Betty! And so far, so good, no locks! :)

  3. Happy Anniversary! And all hail the gold jacket!

    1. Thank you! Yes, the awesome jacket! We need to find an occasion for it, now that you mention it...

  4. Happy anniversary!! xxx

  5. Aw, happy anniversary! Congrats on the no stabbing! That's really quite an accomplishment.

  6. This post makes me so happy. My warmest wishes to you on your anniversary!

  7. Congrats Lisa and Nick! May you continue to love each other like this all your lives and not need to experiment with stabbing to spice up your lives later.

    1. Hahaha! I'm really the only one who gets stabby. Out loud, anyway.

  8. Happy 5th wedding anniversary you crazy kids :) Hugs! Celebrate! Love is all around!

  9. Ah, happy happy! Joy joy! I'd forgotten what a whirlwind dealie you two had. It seemed like a long engagement at the time... amazing all that can happen in the space of five years.

    1. Also, that's a lot better five years than the Five Years in the David Bowie song.


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