
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Pieces of Internet awesome. Chacha-chacha-chacha-chow!

The Holstee Manifesto isn't new, but it's new to me. Don't we all need a manifesto?

Fake Burlington Coat Factory Twitter account. For example: It's getting hot outside, so cool down with a new coat or jacket.

How To Recognise Famous Painters According To The Internet. For example: If everyone – including the women – looks like Putin, then it’s van Eyck.

And finally, in case you've been in an Internet-free zone recently, the song that's been on a continuous loop at our house since I introduced Jordan and India to it a week ago. I desperately want the backup dancers to join us at our underwear dance party.


  1. The famous painters site had me actually laughing out loud, in the office, which was sorely needed today. Thanks!

  2. I've been home sick all week and disconnected so I just learned of the news in DC. I'm so glad you and your family are safe but my heart goes out to your community.

    Thanks for sharing. I will print out the artists reference guide and bring it with me to Europe this Winter. As a data analyst, I truly appreciate this one: "Excel sheet with coloured squares, it's Mondrian".

    I hope you find backup singers for your underwear dance party. I had not seen this video but I heard recently that the fox is the new "it" animal, replacing the owl. I don't know what that means really but it seems timely with Halloween just around the corner.

    1. I hope you're feeling better now, sweetie! And as I recall, you are going to Paris. I have thoughts to email you. As for the new "it" animal...I don't even know how to think about that.

  3. Vivienne loves this video too! Brilliant!


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