
Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Oranges and lemons say the bells of Saint Clement's

1. Colanders!

I have clearly wasted so much money on bath toys, when all I had to do was buy two colanders.
Whoa! That is cool!
I know.
Hey! The water goes right down!
Awesome! Where are you? Where are me?
2. Nail polish in clothing. Or rather: out, damned spot!

Can you get nail polish out of clothing? I've tried dabbing nail polish remover, but so far, no dice.

Because, here's the thing. We had friends with a daughter just older than Jordan over this past weekend...and I had set aside a Ziploc bag of many enticing nail colors to pass on to a lovely teenage friend. Jordan spotted it and ooh! orange blue red anotherblue purple whoa!

We headed out to the deck with children prancing in delight, following the Pied Polisher, eyes glued to the Ziploc bag.

If you've ever seen those shark feeding frenzies, it was a bit like that with the polishing colors. And everyone, including one of the dads, wound up with multi-colored nails.

All this to say, Jordan has been on a nail-painting bender.

3. Lemons and onions

What can you make with too many lemons and onions? Not together. We just happen to have an astounding amount of both.

Besides lemonade? Which we have made and is delighful.

Onionade, on the other hand, sounds the opposite of refreshing. And I could only imagine would make one wildly unpopular.

Any ideas? I can't come up with anything particularly appealing. And in fact, have spent my mental energy coming up with unappealing dishes (see onionade above), such as onion pudding, onion ice cream, onion-peach buckle...


  1. French onion soup takes an astounding amount of onions to make well.

    Lemon Curd
    Lemon bars

    Orange bread
    Orange chicken
    Orange concentrate for juice later.

    1. Where I got oranges from? No idea. You can do the same with the lemons.

      I'm going to get some coffee and hope my focus gets better.

    2. Cool - thank you!!! I've bough lemon curd in the UK and oooh, delicious! Lemon bars -too dangerous in our house but I do love them (hence the danger).

      As for oranges, I stuck them in the title because of the song. But perhaps I should've taken liberties and said onions and lemons?

  2. French onion soup, and onion jam/compote. Caramelizing onions greatly reduces their volume, and makes them ever so tasty. Onion tart (maybe with a little goat cheese for the base, onions on top, fresh thyme sprinkled to finish?).

    You can also make lemon curd with extra lemons. Even if you don't go through the whole "jarring" process, and just stick it in a glass container in the fridge, it should last quite a while.

    1. Thank you! I'm sure India would eat onion tart. She loves onions and garlic. Jordan would just think it was weird.

      I could totally see making fridge lemon curd! Because I am not one to do all the jar steaming sterilizing etc etc. but a version that could last in the fridge, sure!

  3. A great thing to do with lots of lemons is make ceviche (assuming you like ceviche). It's incredibly easy and delish.

    1. I did see your recipe in the T25 group. I have never given any thought to making ceviche, actually...Hmm.

  4. Pierogies with a ton of caramelized onions, holy yum!

  5. I second French onion soup. Make it naked with a colander on your head. That will keep everyone amused!

    1. Kris, my darling, this reminds me that somewhere in my archives I have a photo of you in our kitchen in Delhi wearing nothing but tiny undies and holding a chicken in front of your boobs. I must find it and send it along!

  6. cheese-less pizza with caramelized onions and veggies :)

  7. Preserved lemons?

    1. Sounds intriguing and easy, and I love the idea, but alas, I know that I will never then take the next step and actually USE them.

  8. You've spent quite some time in india and hence i can safely suggest that you make some onion pakoras(fritters). You can find an awesome recipe here ( Trust me. You'll want more.

    1. OHHHH, those look and sound so delicious! So delicious! I wonder if I could pull it off with Betty's help?

  9. Onion butter - like apple butter but not. Peel, slice and cook them until they're total mush. I freeze it in small quantities (1/2c) and dump it in... well, everything.


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