
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto

So you know that my blog is all about my day-to-day and what I like best is writing about what is happening here! and now! And ooh, listen to this!

And I am all about putting it out there, rather than being all secret secret, I've got a secret?


And then I just couldn't write about my days. When I can't write about the biggest thing going on, well, for me it's just easier not to blog.

And as I said, I couldn't.

It was too many months of hormones that made me batshit crazy, and monthly disappointments...and then this whole giant science experiment - this very expensive, surprisingly common, highly-monitored science experiment - that I was dying to write about...

And then finally some really, really good news. The kind that makes you burst into tears on the corner of 18th and Mass when the nurse calls. You were really scared to answer your phone but not as scared as you were of missing the call.

And then you stayed scared every. single. day. Because odds are not in your favor at your age. And so it had to stay a secret because what if what if what if?

So I've been carrying around this huge secret. Which is the opposite of how I comfortably live my life.


But on Thursday he or she will be 12 weeks, and while bad things could still happen, right now, all it looks like is something very, very good. (I mean, I know it actually looks like a marshmallow alien. But it's not. It's a little potential human, you guys!)



  2. :-)

    I already gave you a big hug... but *hugs* again.

  3. :)

    Love. Welcome little baby marshmallow alien. xoxo

  4. Yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. Aaaah! Congratulations! A little springtime bambino!

    I've been wondering if you've had something happening in your uterus - call it intuition or whatever - but there's no polite way to inquire about the status of someone's uterus. Um, anyway! Congrats again!

  6. PS: SUPER JEALOUS of your 3D ultrasound.

  7. Oh my goodness!!! So happy for you!

  8. Delightful news. Congrats!

  9. OH MY GOSH! LISA! I am so thrilled for you and Nick! and Jordan! I know you've been waiting on this for awhile, and I am so happy for you that it is finally here. Seriously! Mazeltov and Congrats and all that jazz!

    So wonderful!

  10. YEAH!!! So happy for you, all of you! Woot Woot!! The 3D ultrasound is amazing!

  11. Congratulations!! This is so wonderful. I am thrilled for you! :)

    (Also, I have to tell you, I was walking up 18th St. one evening a number of weeks ago and saw Nick holding Jordan up to one of the giant bulldozers, and they were so cute inspecting it and having a very serious conversation about it, and I SO wanted to say hi, and then I realized, ha, I only know Lisa, awkward! So I just smiled and kept going. But, yes, your family is adorable.)

  12. OMG! Congratulations Lisa and family. You are so going to love another baby! Carolyn

  13. already posted on ye olde facebooke, but wanted to say yay and also woot!

    and! since you and declan are birthday buddies (love that, btw, had never heard it and now use it copiously), maybe you could have marshmallow alien child on may 8th? so *we* could be birthday buddies? ya think? ;-)

  14. Congratulations Lisa, Nick and Jordan - I'm thrilled your family is growing :) Hope you're feeling wonderful and things continue to go smoothly.

  15. Awesome! Congrats to you and your family! :)

  16. This news makes me so very truly excitedly happy for you! HURRAH!! Jumping up and down in my seat at the news! YAY!

    (PS - this is Miranda, its come up as my work address but connection too shitty to change it!)

  17. Congratulations! I'm happy you're happy!

  18. F-off dude! me too! could you imagine if we had these munchkins on the same day again?!? huge hug and lots of love. xoxo

  19. SO SO SO SO HAPPY for you guys !!!! that is wonderful news !!! Congrats to you, Nick and Jordan!

  20. wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Congratulations!!! <3

  21. AHHHHH! I'm so excited for you (and Jordan and Nick)!!!!!! What fantastic news! I hope to join you in the next few months :)

  22. This explains so, so, sooooo much. At least you're honest and have embraced the batshit crazy.

    My best to you, Nick, Big J and Betty.

    Can't wait to see the next 28 weeks of pics!

  23. Congrats!!!

  24. OMG, Sooooo happy for you, I am tearing up right now!!

  25. That is just the greatest news! Congratulations to all of you!!!

  26. Yay!! Hoping very, very much that all goes very, splendidly well for you and the little one! So happy for you!!

  27. Nina from Germany10/11/2011 4:39 PM

    oh lisa. congrats! so happy for you!


  28. (((((((((HUGEST HUGS))))))))) I did wonder if that was your secret and I am so incrdibly thrilled for you , Nick and Jordan. Wonderful fantastic news it has brought tears to my eyes.......I am totally thrilled :D

  29. Serious congrats! I'm so happy for you (all)! You deserve this happiness like crazy.


  31. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so incredibly happy for you, Lisa. And I can't wait to hear about this pregnancy!!

  32. Oh so wonderful! Happy happy! Joy joy!!!

  33. Also- I remember what it's like to carry around that secret. It was pure torture, not even being able to say "I have a secret." So glad you get to tell now! :) And just so god damned happy for you!!!!!

  34. Congratulations!!!! So very happy for you.

  35. Congratulations on the presence of the alien marshmallow baby! I hope it is an easy and joyous pregnancy.

  36. Fuck yeah! Yeah yeah yeah!

  37. So happy for you Lisa! Congratulations!!!

  38. I actually just squealed like a pig. At times like this I remember why I love the blogosphere. Because I can feel this intense joy for people I've only ever met online. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

  39. So ridiculously happy for you!

  40. YAHOO! Congratulations Lisa and Nick!

  41. I am so wonderfully happy and excited for you and Nick and Jordan! Thrilled thrilled thrilled!

  42. Oh, my goodness, you guys! Thank you for all the support! I am going to have to comment back in chunks or I know Blogger will eat my huge comment.

    lifeversiontwo - Thank you!

    Mb - Thank you! :)

    vvk - Can never have to many hugs! Thank you for so many things, my friend.

    Wendy - Thank you! And really, who wouldn't? :)

    Jessica - Hug hug hug.

    Guacaholic - You just made me laugh - you can't really inquire about the state of someone's uterus, it's true. And yah, the ultrasound woman was doing regular ultrasound the whole way through, and then in the end switched, and then gave us a couple pics!

    And does this mean you have news, I wonder??

    zerodoll - Thank you!

    lexa - Thanks, my friend.

    SarahLeighRabbit - Oh, thank you for your support and your enthusiasm. This has definitely been a long, long road, and while there's a ways to go, I do finally feel hopeful!

  43. I have missed you so much and now it was all worth it!!!!!! I send you healthy thoughts and prayers. Lighting candles and thinking all positively. Man I was so worried you were leaving the blog life and although I would never blame you, I know now I would really miss your writing

    Hugs all around your family,
    Prairie Lynn

  44. Stacey - Thank you! The technology kind of blows me away. It really is amazing.

    Lisa - Thank you!

    mysterygirl! - Oh, I love this story! The backhoes are a very important part of their outings. We've actually been lucky there's been so much construction on 18th street - endless source of entertainment. And you could very well have said hello! Nick would've been delighted!

    Carolyn - Thank you, dear friend. We are really excited.

    Coleen - I love the yay and woot! And here's the deal: my OB would like to do a repeat C-section and I would like to try for VBAC...and with Jordan being all late and all, who knows about the birthdays? Although May 8 is kind of long to hold out for...:)

    HK - Thank you, lovely Heather! I appreciate it!

    Miss Dallas - Oh, thank you! I hope all is well with you and your family!

    Miranda - Thank you thank you! I know who you are. There's only one Seka Theatre in my (virtual) life. :)

  45. How super exciting!!!!! Congratulations on your new little marshmallow alien baby!

  46. Oh my gosh! I've missed you and SO look forward to hearing from you again! What wonderful news!!! I tell my friends about your squarch bottle and somehow it never comes out quite right...

  47. HOOOOORAAAAY! i had kind of thought there was something a brewing in the babymaking way but i couldnt decide it if was bad things you werent ready to talk about or good things! i'm glad it was good things! yaaaaay!

  48. OH MY GOD CONGRATULATIONS. Tearing up just a little right now. Fingers crossed for ya! I'm carry around my first alien marshmellow creature right now. Hurrah!

  49. I'm considering this post my best birthday present ever. Congratulations x a million!

  50. OHMYGOSH Yay Yay Yaaaay!! So incredible excited for you guys! I can't even imagine how psyched you are! Such happy news! Can't wait to hear more

  51. Congratulations! Wow, you guys must be over the moon. I've been thinking of you and hoping to hear this news sooner or later!

  52. Melissa (formerly Browneyedgirlie)10/12/2011 5:34 PM

    So freakin' happy for you it's ridiculous! YAYYYYY!

  53. CONGRATULATIONS! (and now you can put all that IVF money towards a college fund - still no shoes but a baby totally trumps shoes!)

  54. Oh Lisa, congratulations!!! I'm so so happy for you! How wonderful - this made my day. Been hoping so hard for you. Yay!!!

  55. Oh Lisa! Congratulations! :)

  56. First -- Congrats to you, Nick and Big J!!!!

    Second -- It looks like a baby already. I'm going to put money on it being a little girl.

    My fingers are crossed, my prayers said for the most spectacularly healthy development and delivery possible! :) <3 <3 <3

    So happy for you! Seriously, seriously, seriously happy!


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