
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Good thoughts for Betty

I was just wondering, if you have any extra energy, if you could send some good thoughts in Betty's direction.

Jordan got sick two weeks ago, and sicker and sicker, and it turned into a double ear infection and conjunctivitis. (I love his day care, but he's been sick since he started part-time in August. And the pediatrician said to just expect a year of sick.)

And then Betty got sick. And sicker and sicker. And sicker and more frail and feeble.

Until she called me yesterday, as I was almost home, to say that she was going to call an ambulance and go to the ER.

Betty is not an alarmist.

I asked if she wanted me to go with her, and she said no, there was no reason to come and sit in the waiting room. And so I didn't.

I know this is not about me, but I just couldn't do it. I've sat in so many ER waiting rooms. Or rather, I've spent so many hours, so many times, in the waiting room mostly at INOVA Fairfax. I no longer get all clenchy in my stomach when I hear and see an ambulance, but I just didn't feel like I could be pregnant again, sitting in a hospital waiting room. And I'm so tired.

So I didn't go. And I felt like a horrible daughter.

Our dear friend Pat joined my mom there, and she called last night to say they didn't know if it was pneumonia, but were treating it as such and had her on IV antibiotics. And a nebulizer to open up her lungs.

So Betty spent the night at GW hospital. She just called, and she already sounds a lot better. It's bronchitis rather than pneumonia, thank God.

Oh, yeah, and conjunctivitis.


  1. One heapload of good thoughts coming right up. I'm glad to hear she's doing better already, and really really hope that continues!

  2. Oh, sweet Betty! I hope she has a quick recovery, the poor dear.

  3. Lighting a candle and saying a day long prayer for your mom. Get well Soon Betty! And don't feel bad Lisa, your mom is absolutely certain that you love her.

  4. Jessica - Thank you, lovey. She sounds 80 million times better this morning. I think IV antibiotics must kick in fast.

    freckledk - Big huts to you, sweetie. Thank you.

    Lynn - Thank you so much for the candle and prayer, and for the kind words. Hugs to you in ND.

  5. Good Morning Lisa, Just home from Washington State and of course had to check your blog right away---I'm so sorry Betty's sick. Would you let me know if I can call her at GW. Take care of yourself lovely woman. Martha

  6. i don't do the praying so much, but i will certainly keep you all in my thoughts today. hang in there, mama!

  7. Get well soon Betty, sending you hugs from Austin.

  8. Absolutely! We love Betty! All of my positive healthy thoughts are headed her way.

  9. Aw, happy, healing thoughts for Betty!

  10. Of course, thoughts to you Mom, but really I'm commenting to say to you not to feel bad or guilty that you did not go (as the only child I know this feeling well). You are there for her 100% of the time, which leaves little time for you. She knows this and knows how important it is that you take care of yourself.

  11. when i read that it's not pneumonia i said "oh thank god" right as i read your exact same sentiment. glad she's doing better and sending my prayers that she makes a speedy recovery to get home and play with that elevator, err i mean Jordan!

  12. So glad she is already doing better! I hope they get it all cured and that she gets to come back home soon. Take care, all 4 1/3 of you!!

  13. Glad she's starting to feel better! Come home soon Betty! Sending good mojo to all.

  14. Martha - Nice to talk to you and glad you had such a good trip!

    Coleen - I am not really a pray-er either but I do send good thoughts and positive energy, and I believe they all go to a good place.

    HK - Thanks for the hugs. I'll pass them all on.

    Tia - Thank you!

    moosie - Thanks for the healing thoughts!

    Anonymous - I really appreciate this. You made me feel better.

    jen - I just went and saw her at lunch and apparently they're trying to figure out on the X-rays if there possibly is pneumonia. Ugh. Thank you for prayers for speedy recovery!

    Susan H - Thank you. Me, too.

    Kate - Hes, come home soon Betty! Hugs to you.

  15. Awwww Betty, Lots of positive thoughts your way for a speedy recovery. Stay positive and you will be home in no time at all, I am sure your best mate and fellow conspirator (Jordan) misses you. :).
    Lisa you try and get some rest too ok.

  16. Oh Lisa...if it ain't one thing, it is another. I do send Mrs. Jordan (can't seem to say Betty, even in my head) healthy thoughts. Please be careful when you visit her so you don't sick too. Carolyn

  17. Just checking in. The little orange votive candle I lit for Betty this morning still burns on! I have said out loud "Get Well Betty" every time I walk by it. I agree with Carolyn that you should avoid that place as much as you can so as not to get sick too. ((Hugs)) to all of you.

  18. Get well soon, Betty! And Lisa, you are not a bad daughter. I'm sure your mom understands - that is why she told you not to come. Betty wants you to take care of you, too.

  19. Good for Betty for knowing when to get help and getting it! I am sending healing thoughts her way.

  20. Good thoughts flying from Seattle!!
    xo to all of you

  21. I've only stumbled across your blog a few months ago, but have fast become addicted. You and your family have really grown own me... So... I would feel really bad not wishing your mother all the best and Gute Besserung! May she get well soon, she does not deserve to be sick!

  22. I'm thinking of you guys and hoping that Betty will be well soon!

  23. Healing, loving thoughts to you and Betty. Hope she gets out of the hospital today and is back up and about in no time.

  24. Hope she is out & healthy by the time I'm writing this!!

  25. Sending warm healing thoughts Betty's way! Don't feel bad about not going with her. You're with her always in spirit, and she knows that.

  26. Sending warm thoughts for all of you. You're in my thoughts. Really.

  27. ALWAYS good thoughts for Betty. And for you, my friend. No guilt about avoiding the hospital. You are always there for your mama, and she knows it.


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