Dear Jordan,
Today you are five months old. Five!
When I was little, the biggest number I knew was five. And when my mama would ask me how much I loved her, I would say, "Five!
I love you five!"
It was as vast as I could imagine. And that is exactly how I feel about you. I love you so much I feel like it permeates every molecule in my world.
And your dad is just as thrilled about you. He's so proud of every little thing you do, and although he's at work most of the time, he's always thinking about you and talking about you and showing your picture to people.
I'm not kidding when I say that I bet people on his bus are all, "Here comes the big guy with all the baby pictures! Don't make eye contact!"
You spend most days now with your Nana Betty, and the two of you have a lot of fun together. I come home and you're either on the floor playing with stuffed animals, or you're sitting on her lap chatting.
You have no idea how in love with you she is. When she sleeps at our house, I wake her up in the morning by putting you next to her in bed. She wakes up with such a big smile and so many kisses for you.
You're the happiest little human I've ever met. You smile and laugh most of the time. Sometimes you laugh out of nowhere, and I wonder what you are thinking about to crack yourself up. And sometimes when I'm trying to make you laugh, you give me this little heh heh heh that sounds exactly like Jon Stewart's impression of George W Bush.
I never thought I'd say that a baby was one of the funniest people I've ever met, but you are.
Lately your big tricks are making raspberries and rolling over. On the raspberry front, you're highly accomplished. I have to say, I've never seen anyone make them with such intensity or enthusiasm.
As for rolling over, you are getting better and better. You flip over every chance you get; you just throw your little legs up in the air and roll. The main problem seems to be that once you're on your stomach, you're kind of stuck. But I know you'll learn the rollback very soon.
Now that you can turn over, you love to sleep on your stomach. Sometimes you are in such an odd position that you look like one of those crime scene murder victims, but you are sleeping peacefully, so I have to assume you're comfortable.
You've slept through the entire night a handful of times. Each time you do, we think it's a new trend. And then it isn't. One of these days, though, I'm sure you're going to stay asleep the whole night, and then it'll feel so good to you that you'll keep doing it.
You are the biggest joy. There are some tragic things going on in the world, but inside our house, it's mostly sunshine, and it's all because of you.
I love you, big boy.