Also, frivolity warning. If you're looking for anything besides fluff this week, read no further. Likelihood is that it's going to be dresses, shoes, and accessories til Friday.
Because if you know me, you know that I could spend all my time talking about these things.
For those of you still with me: I'm shopping my closet and choosing dresses for two nights. I don't need to get all dressy, but I want to. Also, I use far too many colons in this post.
(I accidentally typed fart oo many colons. And HAHAHAHAHA.) Anyway.
So in our house I have three photography options.
1. Take photos of myself in the mirror. Upside: I pose the way I want. Downside: toilet in the background.
2. Ask Betty to take my picture. She is a dear, lovely woman with good design sense, but will invariably cut off the top of your head. (Sorry, Mama, but it's true.)
3. Ask Nick. He takes wonderful pictures. Of other people. Of his wife? Lots of focus on bare body bits. Not so much the dresses.
So, here are the first three options. (Yes. There are A Lot More.)
Back of black dress 1 with shockingly comfortable S&M shoes (BD1+S&M):

I realize there's no comparing apples to apples with these pics because "Oh, zzzzzzzz," according to the photographer. Also, by the third dress and 50 millionth picture, I was getting kind of antsy. As evinced by my pseudo-Bharatanatyam.
Pros of BD1: Super stretchy and comfy and boob-supportive, plus I love the criss-crossy back. No cons that I can think of.
Pros of BD2: I LOVE the back. And the front. It drapes so nicely. Cons: You can see my boobs if I bend over.
Pros of Blue dress: Comfy, floaty, and I can wear the gold platforms with it (I think? Can I?). Cons: The top is a wee bit loose and there seems to be no way to wear a bra. Potential girls peeking out incident.
I've got several more dress options for tomorrow. Not sure if I'll be posing with the toilet, with my head cut off, or if there's more trampiness to follow.
What does the hemline of dress #2 look like? Love the back, but does the bottom look too dressy?
ReplyDeleteBD2. You know how I feel about a backless anything. And we can wear them! And not worry about things that more upperly robust women have to worry about!
ReplyDeleteReally, it's a moral imperative.
Also, this can help if you're really worried about the boob-showing thing. Which I wouldn't be.
I second Dagny's vote (especially if there is any chance that whoever the "Kent" of your high school was will be in attendance).
ReplyDeleteOh, to be able to wear flirty little dresses without worrying about supporting The Girls. I'm jealous. I vote BD1
ReplyDeleteDefinitely BD2. DVF + Backless = A Win Every Time.
ReplyDeleteFirst, let me take this moment to compliment you on your fashion sense, particularly your slippers...(if we're going with a Real Genius theme today).
ReplyDeleteSee, I was going to say BD1, it's very nice. But, you see, you had me at "You can see my boobs if I bend over."
BD2 in 2k10!.
First of all, you are gorgeous and take great photos. Secondly, I'm torn between BD1 and BD2. I like the criss-cross detail on the back of BD1, but I love the scoop detail on the back of BD2. The fronts of both of them are a bit plain, but I think that's okay as long as people get to see your back. I will withhold full voting until I see tomorrow's pics, though.
ReplyDeleteI think BD1 is the most flattering of the three. Plus, I prefer the S&M shoes over the platform gold humungo things.
ReplyDeleteYou look great in both! My favorite is the black. I love how your complexion and hair work with it, too.
ReplyDeleteNot that you should ever take fashion advice from me... but BD2. I agree with DT about backless dresses.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to add BD1 as the my favorite.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm the minority, but I like the blue- the pose may be influencing me...
ReplyDeletebut you're choosing for two nights right?! so you could go with two of these? in that case i'd go for the blue one (yes the shoes work!) and BD1.
ReplyDeleteSo excited to see all of the options! Hands down BD 2. If only I could wear a dress with no bra. Wait, scratch that, as they would hang to my waist! You have a killer back, so BD 2 for sure.
ReplyDeleteOhhh, fun post! I vote 2, so elegant and pretty but a little bit of an edge. My Mom is the same with the camera - headless subjects, it's part of her charm.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely BD2... if you can rock the look (which you obviously can) go for it! And remember to tell everyone you *just* had a baby.
ReplyDeleteI love BD1 though BD2 is pretty awesome too. BD1 would be my first pick of the 3. looks awesome!
ReplyDeleteI'm witholding my vote until more dresses are posted. Also, can we get a closeup of those gold shoes? AWESOME.
ReplyDeleteWhat shoes would you wear with BD 2?
ReplyDeleteI am always a fan of a little black dress but I think you look gorgeous in the blue (and the gold shoes totally work!) Would boob tape help with the non-bra-ness of the blue dress?
Ok, I like dress 1 and I generally love navy blue too, but the dress that just totally wow-ed me was dress two. The back is just incredible, and you can totally pull that off!!! If you work hard enough to have a great back, it off. The front is nice also, and are you really planning to bend over all that much? So for this round, my vote is #2. Bring on the next set of outfits...
ReplyDeleteI love how you look in number two. I'm jealous of how you look in number two. Go with number two.
ReplyDeleteOMG, you look fantastic! For two nights, in order of preference: rock the BD2 and BD1. And I love the shockingly comfortable S&M shoes.
ReplyDeleteI'm holding off on my vote until I've seen all the choices. So far, they are all gorgeous. The shoes, too.
ReplyDeleteWow! Oh, thank you all for playing!
ReplyDeleteLisa - It's very simple. Comes down just below the knee. Was clearly not of interest to my husband.
Dagny - Yes! I feel like one needs to take advantage of one's strengths. Pregnancy and breastfeeding were such a shock to my wardrobe, suddenly having to think about cleavage and boob support and such.
Gabrielle - Cool! I love Dagny's input!
Wendy - Well, but you have the hot rack. One can't have it both ways, I've learned. You could totally wear a dress like BD1 - I don't think the right strapless bra would show.
Cynthia - I love your equation. If they'd taught math like that in college, I would have done so well!
FoggyDew - Hahahahahahaha! And I sometimes forget that men read this blog.
raven-smiles - Oh, thank you. What a nice compliment! I really like the back of both as well and they appeal in slightly different ways. I love both dresses, though.
lacochran's evil twin - Cool. Thanks! And "platform gold humungo things" makes me laugh out loud. That is awesomeness.
kayare - Thanks! One more for BD1! I feel like with the super-bleached hair, the contrast with the dark dresses is that much more dramatic.
vvk - I'm happy to take any kind of advice from you! And I love what DT said.
The MAiden Metallurgist - You are in the minority but I do like that dress a lot. And who doesn't love a little Bharatnatyam? :)
brookem - Yes, two nights! And glad the gold shoes work! Thanks!
Tia- Thank you very much! I was surprised by how much my nursing boobs needed support, and they weren't even that big in the scheme of things. I felt inconvenienced enough by them - I can't imagine bigger! But cleavage, my brief period of cleavage, was so fun!
HKW - I love the way you describe that dress! And! You are SO RIGHT. It is part of her charm!
Susan - Thank you! I love hearing that! As for the just had a baby, I can't really pull that out anymore...he's almost a year old at this point!
Kate - Thank you!
Miss Dallas - I would do the same. And this post has a super close-up: If I could wear them at 40 weeks preg, I can wear them all night dancing.
Hillary - I would wear the S&M shoes. They are my only dressy black shoes that I can walk around in all night, weird as that sounds.
I love the blue, and I love that blue is different than black (duh - but you know what I mean). And love the gold shoes. They make me so happy. I will turn to the boob sticky things that Dagny suggested - they seem like a good idea.
Susan H - I just love the back of that dress so much! And you make a good point - no, I'm not really planning on bending over. But I must've last night, as Betty said, "Hey, you can see your boobs when you bend over." (Also, I should bear in mind that I never plan on walking into walls or furniture but I seem to do that a helluva lot as well...)
freckledk - Thank you, lovey! No need for jealousy, but I take the compliment!
Keenie Beanie - Thank you! And the shockingly comfortable S&M shoes really are. It's crazy, as they're about 5" high.
Lisa - Totally understand the approach. And I wonder, as a mother, if you're constantly barraged with make-a-choice scenarios?
BD2 definitively, so I like the S&M shoes!
Hey Girl, are you bringing sexy back or what?
ReplyDeleteInsanely jealous of your figure. I could never wear any of those. If you are concerned about falling out or showing bits, go to the pharmacy and get some bikini glue it stops wardrobe malfunctions. I advise all the girls I make ball gowns for to use it when they have low low revealing dresses that could do a oops. As a designer by trade I am reseving judgement until I have seen the entire collection. :-)
"Cons: You can see my boobs if I bend over" I think for most people, that would be a pro ;-)
ReplyDeleteI have that exact same DVF dress! (Except mine isn't actually DVF, just a knock off)
I would choose BD2 and/or BLD (since you're wearing for 2 nights, you could wear both as someone mentioned in a previous comment).
You look fabulous in all three, though! And since you can rock any of those dresses, it might be best to pick which one makes you feel the most comfy.
I vote for BD2 ... that back! MWAH!
ReplyDeleteCan we talk about how much I love your hair for a second? Okay. Awesome.
ReplyDeleteGaL - They are possibly my favorite shoes ever!
ReplyDeleteGo-Betty - Ah, thanks! I'd love to say yes, yes I am! And thank you for the compliment! It really feels good.
Bikini glue? Interesting. I've never heard of it. Very good to know!
Stevie - You make the awesome point that it really is just in how you look at it.
I wasn't at all looking for a dressy-dress at the consignment store and then this one was just too amazing to pass up!
You make another fantastic point - comfort! Especially as night two will be big Indian dinner!
Sarah - Thank you! I haven't counted up but I think it's clearly in the lead.
Nicole my love - You can ALWAYS tell me you love my hair. Always! :)
BD2, BD2, BD2! altho, i would enjoy a shot of the hemline/ shoes myself..
ReplyDeleteI am slightly more enamored with BD#2 than I am with BD#1. Which is to say that I love them both but #2 just a touch more. Further, it should be known that the black dress shoes are approximately 54.645 times hotter than the platforms.
ReplyDeletenumber 2!!! I NEED THAT DRESS!!! such a sexy back!! no one is going to believe that you just had a baby.
ReplyDeleteBoth dresses are great! Helpful, no? You win either way. Loved the shoes you paired with BD1, though. Have fun.
ReplyDeleteI like #1, but I love the back on #2.
ReplyDeleteI love the first one!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh gawd Lisa..... you need a man's point of view here. As your Husband already stated.... you are hot, so what difference does it make which dress you wear?
ReplyDeletePick out a darn dress and let's get going, we are late! :)
BD1, mostly for the shoe factor (and the back is sweet). You are rocking those S&M shoes, lady.
ReplyDeleteOoooh, its tough! I LOVE them all. So far I'd say 2 and 3. But will reserve judgement until the next lot. YAY!
ReplyDeleteYou are one HOT mama! I'm usually super-decisive when friends ask for my opinion on what to wear, but you've thrown me for a loop because you look fab in all of them. For this round, I'd say BD1 wins. You said no cons and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the back! I think your 'girls' look great, but if you're already worrying that someone will get a show (not that you should - they look great) then #1 is your go to dress.
ReplyDeleteIf/when I make it to DC, can I go shopping in your closet!?!?
the navy!
ReplyDeletecolleen - Cool! Will try to add in a bathroom pic of the BD1 full dress.
ReplyDeleteRefugee - I feel that way about 2 over 1, but 1 is a bit more comf. Now that is interesting on the shoes. I know they're more risquee, but I wouldn't have thought they were significantly hotter. That's man vs. woman. I think. Or maybe I just have no idea.
carly - THAT is EXACTLY how I felt when I tried it on! NEEDNEEDNEED! And thank you!
Lynn - I'm going to try to wear those shoes with whatever outfit...unless it totally doesn't work.
amisare waswerebeen - If I could combine them and have the stretchy support AND the super low drapy back, that would be completely perfect, I think.
adriana - Thank you!
GW Mush - Nonono! This is why a man's point of view can be unhelpful! This "you look great now hurry up" - HOW does this help?!
Kate Bee - I can't tell you how much I love those shoes. I would sleep in them if that wouldn't be totally uncomfortable and weird.
Miranda - Thank you for the input! Today's dresses are much more colorful.
prettylittletangents - Ah, thank you! Wow - that's a wonderful thing to say! And yes, of course! :)
Wendi - Thank you!